Friday 20 March 2015

The Charming Family Legacy Gen.1 Ch.4

Hello and welcome to the Charming Family Legacy Gen.1 Ch.4!!

Last chapter the happily(-ish) married couple, Charlie and Mara, made their way to the hospital to have their first child!! … Of course Mara was doing most of the work … Charlie did a lot of crying …

And I can now reveal the start of Generation 2…

Twin baby boys!!

Charlie: T-t-t-twins!?

Mara: MWAHAHA!! My evil reign has begun!!

Mara: Behold, the next generation of EVIL!!

Zelda: … Is that lady allowed out of the hospital??

First born we have little Hunter

Name: Hunter Charming
Traits: Good, eccentric
Favourites: Latin, tofu dog, red
Star sign: Scorpio

Quickly followed by his brother Lysander

Name: Lysander Charming
Traits: Slob, grumpy
Favourites: Egyptian, lobster thermidor, sea foam
Star sign: Aries

Mara: Hunter has the good trait?! There must be some mistake!!

Charlie: *sticks bottle in Lysander’s face* … Why won’t it drink!?

At least we have one relatively responsible parent…

~The next morning~

Hunter: BABY RAGE!!!

So much for the nice kid… Mara, time to get up!!

Mara: Awww… He’s sort of cute when he stops screaming-

Don’t you dare drop him!!

Mara: CHARLIE!! The toilet is BROKEN!!

Charlie: Again!?

I’m really not sure whether it is a game glitch or if Mara actually manages to break the toilet every morning… without fail.

Mara: Come on Lysander… You know what I want… Just stay still…


Lysander: Whaaaaa!?

Mara: Who knew babies came with an endless supply of candy!?

*head desk*

Charlie: Hello??..... Is this the services??..... My toilet keeps breaking!!..... No I haven’t tried restarting it….. Because it’s a TOILET!!

Mara: I’m going jogging; you’re in charge of the kids Charlie!

Charlie: Uh-huh…. *mumble mumble*

Charlie: GASP!! Mara watch out-

Wow… What would we do without glitches??


Charlie: Time to make dinner!

I can’t believe you've actually made it to level 3 cooking without burning the house down.

Mara: I’m home, is dinner ready yet-

Charlie: QUIET!! … I’m in the zone…

Charlie: GAH!! … *cough cough* … Needs more salt …

Charlie: It’s still edible… Right??

Charlie, I’m not even going to begin to describe what that looks like.

Hmm… Does the house seem a little too quiet??


Charlie: Oh plumbob… Mara!! Diapers are your responsibility!!

Mara: Zzz… Mwahahaha… Zzz…

I think you’re on your own tonight Charlie…

Charlie: Why do babies smell so bad!?

Depends… Have you been feeding them your cooking??

Mara?? I thought you were asleep-


Mara: Oh holy fudge…

Mara: Blaaaaaaaaaaaaah… Ugh…

Um, are you okay??

Mara: I’m… Puking… Florescent green… Do I look like I’m okay!?

Any reason you decided to puke outside?? … In your underwear??

Mara: Have you seen the toilet?!

No why-

Oh wow…

Toilet: *gurgle grumble gurgle*

Mara: I think it’s alive!!

Mara: Good morning Hunter… OUCH!! He’s biting my NOSE!!

Mara: Holy muffins… I knew he was evil, I’m so proud!!

Charlie: Whoa, I have work today!?

Yes, you've had like five days off!!

Charlie: NOO!! Please don’t make me go!!

Mara: Oh why is life so hard!?

What’s gone wrong now??

Mara: The shower… There’s so much… Water!!

Well observed… Oh wait, you’re hydrophobic aren’t you??

Mara: And now I need to pee too!!

Then how about using the loo??

Mara: But the toilet is DIRTY!!

Notes to self: Never create another neat hydrophobic

Mara: Oh plumbob it’s happening again…

Mara: Eeew!! This is even worse than the last dress!!

Looks like Mara is expecting again!!

Mara: Who designed this stupid machine!?

It would help if you opened your eyes-

Mara: No, I refuse to look at the water!!

Mara: GASP!! They’re dripping!!

Pregnancy hormones… Please be pregnancy hormones…

Mara: WHAA!? … You do NOT what to know what is going on in the bedroom!!

That’s what you get for spying.

Charlie: Guess what everyone!? … I got a promotion!!

No one cares about-


Do you even know any of them!?

Charlie: Mara, you’ll never believe what happened at work-


Mara: I’m pregnant!!

Charlie: M-m-m-more kids!?

Mara: MWAHAHAHA!! Behold my evil cooking skills and be afraid!!

I’ll be afraid when you find a way to take over the world with pasta… Until then I think I’m okay.


And the regular morning routine begins…

Mara: And the sink too!?

Charlie: Hold on, one at a time!!

Charlie: Oh my muffins I think the toilet monster has moved to the sink!!

Sink: *Gruuuuuuuuuuuumble*

Morning drama aside… Today is the twin’s birthday!!

Charlie: Finally, I get to try cake!!

Birthday sparkles!!

Charlie: GASP!! My son is exploding!!

So here we have Hunter who got his Daddy’s hair and Mum’s eyes <3

And here’s his brother Lysander, who got Charlie’s hair and eyes… I think they are both adorable!!

And that’s the end for Ch.4, thank you very much for reading!

Please come back next chapter to hopefully see some new kiddies and the madness of the Generation 2 toddlers! Also please feel free to leave a comment either here or on my forums page:

See you soon, buh-bye! ~kipper123


  1. Twins and another baby on the way. They're going to have their hands full. Hunter and Lysander are both adorable. Now I wonder how they'll manage teaching them their baby skills! Your sims definitely have unique traits. Fun chapter as usual, looking forward to meeting the next bundle of joy. :)

    1. Thanks for the comment and I'm glad you liked the chapter :D I'm not sure how many kids they're planning on having, but I want a fair few for the heir poll so they're going to be busy parents for a while!!


  2. Twins! And another bun in the oven, congrats. :D

    They're so adorably cute...In their little worm-like blankets lol.

    I laughed when Charlie stuck the bottle in Lysander's face...Now that I think about it, the sims do kind of do that in the game lol.

    Putting baby Lysander on the floor for a lollipop...You've gotta love The Sims (sometimes) lol.

    Charlie: Why do babies smell so bad!?
    Depends… Have you been feeding them your cooking??
    Charlie: My son is exploding!!
    You're too funny lol. :P

    Can't wait to see them potty train Lysander and Hunter, that should be interesting hahaha.

    1. I need to get some cc to fix my 'worm' babies lol xD and Mara seems to be rather enjoying the infinite candy her kids keep spawning... Toddler maddness coming next chapter!! Thanks for the comment :)


  3. Awe Twins! I can never get twins without cheating. :( They are such cuties, though! Another baby? Wow. They are going to have their work cut out for them. Seriously, what is wrong with the toilet and sinks in their house?! My sinks break all the time, but I don't think it's even been this bad. haha Love this chapter. So excited to see how Charlie and Mara handle having toddlers and a third babe.

    1. Aw thank you for the lovely comments on all my chapters!! Charlie and Mara are definately an interesting couple to play, and now they're parents too ^_^ The plumbing is definaltey an issue... For some reason Mara seems to break EVERYTHING she touches lol, and poor Charlie spends most of his day fixing the house!! Thanks again for the comments and the new kiddie will be arriving in chapter 5 on Friday ^_-


  4. Ooh she's pregnant again! Aww man, they got a "good" kid? *sigh* LOL just kidding. The babies are cute. Hehe, I love the "steal candy from a baby" option. I also like how it makes the baby's social motive go up. ROFL. Ugh thank god Sims can't die from getting hit by cars, I'd be so sad. T_T LOL I liked Hunter biting her nose, that seems like something a baby would do.

    1. I know right, trust Mara to have a good child -_- he's probably going to go insane growing up with his Mum!! Thanks for the comment ^.^


  5. I think it's hilarious that they're twins, but the boys got different zodiac signs xD Oh, the sims lol Seriously, how does Mara end up breaking the toilet THAT many times? It's crazy! The boys are adorable, and one of them has the good trait, how ironic lol

  6. I think it's hilarious that they're twins, but the boys got different zodiac signs xD Oh, the sims lol Seriously, how does Mara end up breaking the toilet THAT many times? It's crazy! The boys are adorable, and one of them has the good trait, how ironic lol

  7. Lysander and Hunter are adorable!
